Why Wont it Work?!
Published on October 4, 2005 By xxZeroVirusxx In WindowBlinds
I just upgraded my WindowBlinds to 5.0. It just put my computer into Windows Classic mode. I restarted. Same thing. I checked troubleshooting, and it gave me this message:

WindowBlinds 5 BETA Troubleshooting Report:

WindowBlinds is not installed correctly on this PC. If you did not reboot after installing WindowBlinds 5 for the first time, then please reboot and try this again.

Your machine supports per pixel borders on WindowBlinds skins.

If you suffer visible corruption (overbright) on the frames and have a NVIDIA board then please be aware this is a NVIDIA bug. It has been seen on GeForce 4 cards and some FX series cards.

Video Information

You have one monitor in total.

(Gateway VX700) 1 is attached to RADEON 9600 PRO Family (Microsoft Corporation)

'RADEON 9600 PRO SEC Family (Microsoft Corporation)' also exists as device '\\.\DISPLAY2', but is not attached to the desktop.

'NetMeeting driver' also exists as device '\\.\DISPLAYV1', but is not attached to the desktop and is a mirror driver.

'RDPDD Chained DD' also exists as device '\\.\DISPLAYV2', but is not attached to the desktop and is a mirror driver.

PLEASE report all this information when submitting a problem report, especially anything related to per-pixel skinning. We don't know what's in that Dell you bought last July or the notebook the office gave you. Per-pixel skinning requires your drivers to at least claim to support the functions needed for it.

Isn't installed correctly?! So I uninstalled it, then reinstalled it, and rebooted again. Still, same problem, same message.

By the by, I have Windows XP x64. Is this going to be a problem?

Comments (Page 12)
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on Oct 16, 2005
After unloading WB, the only area that is still black (on the screenshot above),
is the wide band in the "Inclusion list" box.
The "Per Application" section also has a wide black area.
I've tried three different sets of video drivers ... no difference.
on Oct 18, 2005

I have just checked SDC and have noticed that BETA G has been released. Well i think it has anyway, the history shows an update but the file name still shows F. Has anyone installed this update and does it fix the problem with skins not applying?

Any help gratefully received.

on Oct 18, 2005
No you still have to reisntall 4.6 and then unisntall it to get skins to stick. .
on Oct 18, 2005
Still have black boxes in WBConfig ....
My Animations, My Toolbars, User Overrides.

Problem fixed with "g" release! Thanks.
on Nov 12, 2005
So, has anyone found a way to get per pixel to work with a Radeon 9200 or is the card just not as capable as it says it is?
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